Tired Of Mediocre Investment Returns?
Top Gun Makes People Money
If you have any experience with financial planners and investment advisors, you’ve surely seen lots of fancy pie charts and formulas. You’ve heard lots of seemingly common sense talk about diversification and long term investing. And you’ve experienced an uninterrupted succession of mediocre investment returns.
The reason is simple: Most investment advisors have no idea about what goes into picking investments and managing a portfolio that produces superior returns.
What makes Top Gun different is that we dispose with all the jargon and fancy charts and concern ourselves with one thing: making our clients money.
Top Gun has a comprehensive investment philosophy and a rigorous investment process. We are experts in all the facets of market analysis (fundamental, macro, technical/sentiment) that are the prerequisites for market beating performance.
Before starting Top Gun, I returned more than 30% in my personal account in 2006 — about double the market return.
In 2007 we returned our investors 14.5% — compared to around 4% for the relevant market averages.
If you want to make money, be sure to get our Free Report “How To Invest In The Coming Bear Market” (January 9, 2007) – send an e-mail to gfeirman-at-topgunfp.com with the subject line “Bear Market” and we’ll send it to you.
I would also be more than happy to set up a free initial consultation for us to talk about what Top Gun can do for you.
Call NOW for your free initial consultation: (916) 224-0113.
Greg Feirman
Founder & CEO, Top Gun Financial Planning