Homebuilders Buying Up Lots, Especially in Placer County
There is a consensus out there that we are at the bottom or pretty darn close.
– James Radler, a Roseville based land broker wtih Park Place Land Advisors of Irvine, CA
They’re trying to position themselves without anybody knowing.
That’s [Placer County] where it seems everybody wants to be. That’s the first choice.
– Kathryn Boyce, Sacramento Analyst for Hanley Wood Market Intelligence
Interesting front page article from Friday’s Sac Bee: “Suburban Sacramento land rush? Big homebuilders buy up ‘finished’ lots”, Jim Wasserman, The Sacramento Bee, August 14, A1.
On the low end of the home market also see: “Competition frustrates first time buyers”, Jim Wasserman, The Sacramento Bee, August 7, B1.