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July’s Employment report is the gift that keeps on giving.  Nearly every element of it is positive.

– Paul Ashworth, Capital Economics

More importantly, with the fall off in the pace of job losses appearing to be gaining some traction and the improved tone of other economic reports, it appears that the U.S. recession may well be in its last throes.

– Millan Mulraine, TD Securities

The jobs data augment a growing collection of data suggesting the US economy is emerging from recession.

– Nomura Global Economics

The case that the recession ended in June continues to grow with this report.

– RDQ Economics

The dawn of an economic recovery is here.  The sharp contraction in employment has moderated pointing to the end of the recession.

– Sung Won Sohn, Smith School of Business and Economics

(All quotes from “Economists React: ‘Gift That Keeps On Giving'”, Real Time Economics, August 7)


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